Beta 2.5 Release

FIRST AND MOST IMPORTANT NOTE! Make sure you read this! All previous game saves will crash if you try to battle. Also if your save is from Alpha 3.5 it will break anyways. So to be safe, start a new save. Also make sure you watch the Intro and the tutorial. It will start you off with 10,000 money so you can buy some skills right away. (The way I am going to format this is what changed based on what version you came from. But all of these changes are in the game. So if your from Alpha 3.5 read all of it. If your Beta 2 you can skip around and only read the stuff that applies to you.) So what all is new in this version: Now that is a tricky question... Because it will be different for different people. If your coming from the Alpha 3.5 A LOT changed like entirely new game basically.

If your coming from Beta 2
- The changes are all in the Battle system and bug fixes + The gallery was added as was the Side Stories. Since there is only 1 day left for the poll I am just going to consider it finished as 100% of you want them added to the game.
Storyline Changes-  
Beta 2 - No new story was added since then.
Alpha 3.5 - The Nanahoshi Storyline was added She is fully implemented with dates and everything Features/New Scene

- Animations
Beta 2 - Gallery Unlocked with multiple angles. In this current build it has preview images, To be honest I forgot that I was going to add a white image over top of them until they were unlocked... So is that a bug or feature that you can see a preview before you have seen it in game? Up to you lol.

Alpha 3.5 - The House was completely remodeled by me, by hand as in every single object you see was place and arranged by me. The walls and trim were created retextured and meticulously placed by me. It was a lot of work and it sucked. But I love the results. It was kind of like a test run for the map building I will need to be doing in the future for all the other areas.

- The Office Main Entrance was also completely remodeled.
- Puzzle Mini Game added to Nanahoshi when She is in the house and in her room.
- Around 1000 new animations are added
- Converted entire label system to the Screen system. It has its own pros and cons.    
pros - The wait button works as it should              
- The map doesnt act weird.    
Cons - ....There is this weird rubber banding effect when leaving certain screens.                
- a HUGE con I noticed is apparently Rudeus REALLY has a thing for Aisha in the laundryroom. Because whenever I combined skills it teleports me from the study to the laundryroom. This is not a bug that can be fixed. its literally just a weird effect from using screens instead of labels. As it is taking you to the "Next" label in the list when you exit the screen which in the code right after the Study is the Laundryroom.                 
- Honestly while playing you will probably notice more cons about this system.  So I will need some feedback from you all. Is the wait button refreshing the screen worth the cons? Or should we swap back? Battle System Changes (These Changes are basically for both groups so I will just list them)
- Added Elements to all Skills/Monsters/Characters
- Added Pokemon style type Match Ups
- Added Pokemon styled Same Type Attack Bonus (If you never played Pokemon that means Rudeus is a Earth Type, If he uses an Earth type move he will do 50% more damage than if he used a Fire Type move.)
- Added Weaknesses to all types. Super Effective hits means x2 damage, Super Effective STAB moves = 300% more damage.
- Added over 100 new Skills.
- Removed the ability to learn skills via level up.
- Added Skill Tutor system (Currently Erik in the School can teach all skills from all 8 Schools
- Elementary Ranked to Advanced Rank. This Will be changed in v0.4 to 24 different Tutors around town.)
- Added Protection battles This mechanic is used for Pursena and Nanahoshis boss battles. It will be added to Ariel and Sara in v0.4
- Added a max level of 120, Then added a Max Level for Area system. In Ranoa(Starting City) the max level is only 25.
- Lowered all monsters to fit the new max level.
- Removed Accuracy Checks for combat             
- This had a side effect. It made the Dex stat literally worthless.
- Added Skill Point System
- 1 Skill Point is acquired per Level Up.
- Added Skill Combination System
- Take 2 Elements from the Same Rank and combine them together, experiment and find new elements/hidden combinations that are a bit OP on purpose. - Started Adding a Revive Skill... Not 100% working yet. Will be fixed in v0.4
- Added Max HP and Max MP to random stat rolls for the summoning system and for the Item Leveling system.
- Increased the Max level for item leveling system from 25 to 40.
- Added the Counter Attack System for any Skills using the Water God Style
- Raise the EXP need per level to 5x what it used to be.


Mushoku Harem Beta 2.5 (Full Release for Mobile) 677 MB
Oct 12, 2024
Mushoku Harem Beta 2.5 (Full Release for Mac) 657 MB
Oct 12, 2024
Mushoku Harem Beta 2.5 (Full Release for PC/Linux) 661 MB
Oct 12, 2024

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